Online Lessons

We’ve created a library of workouts you can do at home for $12 each. Purchase on MindBody or Venmo Sophia Briegleb @KinesisPilates, then email which lesson you want. We also offer Face Pilates Online Lessons, once the Intro Face Pilates Course is complete. Visit our Face Pilates page to see those lessons.

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Standing Pilates - All Levels

Join us as we take Pilates vertical and do the entire lesson standing. We learn how to align our bones well atop our feet, challenge our balance, strengthen the lower body, do classical Pilates exercises like spine stretch, saw and spine twist standing, and stretch the leg muscles. You'll need a hand towel you can stand on and a surface about the height of a chair seat.

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Posture - All Levels

Learn about how to better align your bones in a variety of positions, and then work the muscles that can help keep your spine upright. We use a variety of tools, but you could do this lesson without all of them. Most used is foam roller and hand weights (1-2 lbs or a can of food), but we also use a fitball and theraband or resistance band for a couple exercises.

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Athletic Mat - Int

Get your heart pumping with Katie’s full body Athletic Mat. This twist on classical Pilates challenges endurance and stamina. If you enjoy this lesson, join Katie on Saturdays at 9:00am for the live Zoom version.

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Partner Pilates - All Levels

Do Pilates and spend time with your spouse, child, or loved one. This quick lesson uses the feedback of your partner to provide some instability and awareness, and gives you a chance to exercise together.

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Resistance Band Reformer - Beg/Int

Missing reformer? With a simple resistance band, we recreate many of the exercises done in a Beg/Int reformer class. The band provides a nice springy resistance or assistance, and you get to enjoy favorites you've been missing like footwork, short spine, pull straps/T, chest expansion and arm circles.

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Lunch Break Pilates - All Levels

Reverse the position you've put your joints in while sitting at a computer with our quick lunch break session. We focus on opening the chest and shoulders, extending the spine and hips, and putting our joints into a good range of motion so they aren't limited for the whole day. At less than 25-minutes, you can squeeze this movement session into your busy day and get back to work with more focus and energy. You'll either need a foam roller or rolled up blankets and pillows for the first exercise.

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Squat - Int

In this lesson, we talk about how the Pilates equipment helps us squat emphasizing more glutes, but how squatting without hand contact on equipment forces a change in our alignment to keep us from falling. We learn about leg alignment, the value of deep squatting all the way to the floor, and how we can get up and down from the floor without using hands.

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Pilates with Weights - Int

Challenge your core and especially your upper body by doing Pilates with 1-2 lb weights (you can use cans of food if you don't own hand weights). We do classical mat exercises as well as some that focus on the shoulders, rotator cuff, upper back and arms.

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Ribcage Mobility - All Levels

Mobilize your ribcage and thoracic spine. This lesson uses a variety of breathing techniques, rotations, side bends, and cats to squeeze out the sticky spots in your ribcage and thorax. The earlier movements are accessible to all, while later exercises utilize Joseph Pilates' more challenging mat exercises like Side Bend and Twists. Don't leave any part of your trunk stagnant and give your lungs and spine the delicious movement they crave.

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Up and Down - Int to Adv

Many of Joseph Pilates' routines involved getting up and getting down. Very rarely did he just lay down on the mat and do several similar exercises. It was often one seated then one reclined, one side lying then one standing, requiring you to be able to get up and down frequently. This lesson utilizes that idea, which involves big muscles that get your heart rate up, to work your whole body while also improving mobility in joints like the hips and ankles. If you've been missing jumpboard or the gym, this is the lesson for you. You'll need slick socks on a hard floor for part of the lesson.

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Pajama Pilates - All Levels

Joseph Pilates thought that his method wasn't just good for the body but also for the mind and spirit. See how a gentle Pilates routine can help calm you before bed, shake off stiffness in the morning, or just help you relax any time you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed. Join us in your PJs or sweats for this soothing session.

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Grip and Wrist Strength - All Levels

Tired of needing help opening jars? Wish you could weight bear on your wrist without pain or hold your heavy cookware more easily? The hand and wrist are often a weak link in the body, and their weakness prevents full use of the rest of the arm and trunk. This lesson uses a variety of easy to find props at home to strengthen the little muscles of the hand and forearm so that you can better utilize your arm in everyday life and in the studio. Props include a foam roller, broom, two cans of food or 1-2 lb hand weights, balls small enough to fit in your palm, and a theraband or towel. Get ready to get a grip!

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Magic Circle Advanced

In this lesson, we use the Magic Circle and advanced Pilates skills to challenge your whole body. We use the magic circle to support mat exercises, to replicate chair exercises like Piano Player, to offer instability and demand balance, and to strengthen the neck. We recommend that you take our original Magic Circle lesson first before progressing onto this one.

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Magic Circle - Beg to Int

Learn how the magic circle can help you work your whole body, from your neck to shoulders to core to hips to legs to feet. Enjoy the springy quality of its resistance or assistance, and get the closest feeling to a spring you can find outside the studio. This is the perfect introduction to the magic circle.

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Hip Extension - Beg to Int

This lesson focuses on the skill of hip extension, which is lacking in many people.  If your hips are unable to extend, your back has to compensate.  And since walking requires this skill, it's important to improve hip extension so you can enjoy life and travel.  In addition to working the hamstrings and gluteus maximus (hip extensors), we also strengthen the abductors (gluteus medius and minimus), which are also important in walking as it's just a series of alternating standing on one leg.  You'll need a foam roller or yoga block, a chair or piece of furniture you can put your feet on, and a resistance band (loop, theraband, magic circle).  Perfect for the beginner with some intermediate level challenges.

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No Flexion Core Strengthening - Beg to Int

This lesson focuses on how to strengthen the core without lumbar flexion, a skill that is usually quite prevalent in Pilates. We practice stabilizing the pelvis and lumbar, isometric exercises, decompression of the spine, and extension. This lesson is designed for clients with lumbar disc issues who especially need this organization and motor control. However, each body is unique and no video is an adequate substitution for in-person instruction. You'll need a foam roller.

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No Extension Core Strengthening - Beg

If a certain condition of your lumbar spine prevents you from extending it, this lesson is for you. We'll cover strategies to ensure that your lower back isn't moving unnecessarily while you're strengthening your core. The majority of the lesson will focus on flexion but at the end, we'll briefly explain safe ways to extend the cervical and thoracic spine.

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Neck Strength - All Levels

If you experience neck pain, we highly recommend you do targeted exercises to strengthen all the muscles of the neck. This video teaches you how to properly hold your head, strengthen the larger and smaller muscles of the neck, and mobilize joints necessary for good neck mobility. You'll need a hand/dish towel to support your head and the ability to flex/extend your neck over a surface like a bed. Once you have these exercises down, you can do more reps or hold them for longer to increase neck endurance.

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Foam Roller Fun - Int

Stiffness be gone! This lesson utilizes the foam roller in ways we often use the small barrel or spine corrector in the studio. The roller assists in extension, side bending, rotation, and shoulder bridging. We also use it to roll out sticky fascia throughout the body, exercise the feet, hands, and wrists, and mobilize the ribcage. Whole body movement leaves you feeling like you received a massage and got stronger at the same time.


Leg Flexibility - All Levels

If sitting on your sitz bones with your legs out straight is a challenge, this is the class for you. That skill is required in a lot of mat Pilates and thanks to sitting in chairs all day, we tend to lack it. This lesson gives you information about muscle flexibility while taking you through movements that lengthen the hamstrings, hip flexors and quads, glutes, deep six rotators, and adductors. Props needed include socks, a slick surface like a hardwood floor, and a yoga strap/dishcloth/hand towel. This lesson is great by itself or after another class that warms you up.

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Happy Hips - Int

There's nothing like a good hip workout if you've been stuck inside sitting. We begin reclined, keeping the spine and pelvis still while moving the leg in the socket. Then we stand on a stationary leg and move the pelvis and trunk. After that strong foundation, things get a little crazy. Using squats, lunges, balance, balancing while taking the other leg through a wide range of motions, and even utilizing a home version of the reformer, this lesson builds strength and hip mobility, and will even get your heart rate up. You'll need a slick floor and either slippery socks or a cloth. Perfect for the intermediate client, and challenging for the advanced client who emphasizes form and range of motion.

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Belly Burner - Int to Adv

If you want to take your core strength to the next level, you could spend lots of time doing extra reps. Or you can get super picky about technique, work your abdominals in a lengthened position, and quiver on the first rep. Emphasizing eccentric contraction, this lesson encourages you to strengthen your belly with complete control over your body. You’ll need a surface you can extend over, like a bed or bench. Designed for the intermediate client who has demonstrated good control of the lumbar in usual Pilates exercises. A few versions push into advanced.

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Tension Release and Body Brushing - All Levels

This class explores other ways Joseph Pilates taught us to keep our bodies healthy beyond just his movement method. We take inspiration from his book Return to Life Through Contrology and learn how to completely relax our muscles, like a cat, through mindfulness of our tension. Then we learn how to body brush to stimulate circulation and the lymphatic system and clean out our pores (exfoliate). If you don't have a body brush, we talk about home alternatives that may work (a mushroom brush or other vegetable brush is an acceptable substitute). Good for everyone, especially if you feel stressed or tense!

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Core Strengthening - Beg to Int

Join us for some serious core strengthening. We'll work not only the abdominals but also the spinal extensors. No props required, although you may benefit from have your legs held by ankle weights/furniture/friend. Appropriate for beginners with some variations that would work for intermediate as well.

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Side Body - Int

This lesson focuses on the side body, where we tend to see weaknesses in clients. We work the obliques by twisting and side planking, and we work the lateral hip with exercises like side kicks. We use several Kathy Grant exercises that are deceptively challenging. No props required.

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Feet Focus - All Levels

In Pilates, we believe the feet are extremely important, and that good range of motion and strength in them can have far reaching implications for the rest of your body. We usually practice exercises reclined like on the reformer or mat, but this lesson examines how to work the feet standing. We use a yoga block or stair, as well as a rolled up hand towel in lieu of a half roller. Challenge your dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, hip strength, and balance with this video. Appropriate for beginners but because most people--even those who are more intermediate in their Pilates practice--are beginner in their feet, this video is good for all levels.

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Immunity Workout - Beg to Int

This lesson focuses on exercises that can encourage the flow of lymphatic fluid from the legs to the lymph nodes of the groin, where deep hip flexion can then help massage/pump the nodes to further continue lymph circulation. Then we work on mobility of the ribcage--ringing it out with lots of side bending, rotation, and even some extension--to keep the lung tissue mobile and healthy. This lesson is appropriate for beginners with some exercises, like open leg rocker, pushing into intermediate. No props necessary, although we do begin with our feet on a wall.

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Weight Bearing on the Arms - Int to Adv

In this lesson, we learn the important skills of weight bearing on the arms (like scapular stability) and attempt that in multiple positions--quadruped, plank, handstand, and even supine in exercises like shoulder bridge and roll over. Half of the material is intermediate with some exercises like leg pull pushing into advanced. No props required, although a bed or bench could be a helpful modification and we do use the wall for balance in our handstands.

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Int to Adv Mat

Good old mat, just the way Joe designed it. This routine includes almost all the exercises in his 1945 Return to Life book. Recommended for clients with no contraindications.