Motor Learning and The Pilates Method

A workshop presented by Michelle Press

Saturday March 2, 2:00 - 4:00pm

Available in person at Kinesis Pilates or virtually

This workshop will introduce Pilates educators to the science behind motor learning and how it can make you a more effective and efficient Pilates teacher. 

As Pilates teachers, we are deeply passionate about helping our clients learn the pilates method and all the benefits it can offer. However, the method is multi-faceted and complex, which can deter a newcomer or slow down the structure of a class.

How do we structure the time with our clients so that we maximize their learning without overwhelm?   Are they absorbing the information that we offer?

In this two hour workshop, you will learn how to facilitate your client's learning using scientifically proven methods.  You will learn how to break down skills, cue tasks, provide meaningful feedback, the role of error in the learning process, and how to create long lasting, relevant change for your clients.

About the presenter: Michelle Press is a second year student in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Regis University. She graduated from the 950 hour Advanced Teacher Training Program at the Pilates Center of Boulder in January 2020 and has been teaching ever since. She is passionate about applying the knowledge from her doctorate studies to her regular teaching practice and wants to share this knowledge with other Pilates professionals. She wants to help every individual become more confident in their body and therefore more confident in their life.

You can attend live in person or virtually. Includes access to the recording for one month. Cost is $90.